
Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

Biografi GabyJKT48

Bright Smile from Gaby
Senyum secerah matahari yang bersinar dari wajah Gaby. Dengan kecantikan dan senyum nya yang akan membuat hari-harimu berwarna dengannya. Ceria dan humoris.

- Biodata Gaby Margareth Warouw

~ Nama Lengkap : Gaby Margareth Warouw
~ Nama Panggilan : Gaby
~ Tanggal lahir : 11 April, 1998
~ Tempat lahir : Jakarta
~ Tinggi : 161 cm
~ Zodiak : Aries
~ Golongan Darah : O
~ Jikoushokai"Haaii ~ Always smile and easy to laugh ~ I, Gaby"
~ BioA bit clumsy, A lot funny, A member of JKT48 and that's me :D

- Fakta Gaby Margareth Warouw
~ Agama : Kristen
~ Hewan Fav : Kelinci, Panda, Lumba-lumba
~ Kartun Fav : Doraemon
~ Warna Fav : Merah muda, Ungu, Biru
~ Makanan Fav : Cokelat
~ Game Fav : Game sosial, Game Virtual
~ Genre musik Fav : Pop, Classic
~ Lagu Fav : Pajama Drive, Temodemo no Namida
~ Olahraga Fav : Basket, Badminton, Berenang
~ Pelajaran Fav : Olahraga, Bahasa Indonesia, IPA, Biologi
~ Nama fans : Gabycious
~ Hobi : Mendengarkan musik, Membaca buku, Makan, Fotografi, Bermain keyboard
~ Oshimen : Mayu Watanabe "Mayuyu", Atsuko Maeda "Acchan"

~ Gaby Qoutes :~ "The important thing is time and compassion for others"
~ "Never Give Up and Don't be Sad cause U'r Special in your own way" -gaby <3
~ "Give thanks for what u'r now,and keep fighting for what u want to be tomorrow."
~ "Everything happens for a reason, live it, love it, learn from it, and be happy with yourself no matter what"
~ "Sometimes it takes losing everything you have, to finally grow and find yourself"
~ "Life is like game of snakes and ladders. Sometimes we go up and down. We just need to keep walking"
~ "Love yourself, because there's just ONE you in this world. You're unique and awesome!"
~ "Good thing doesn't happen just by snapping your fingers, it happens when you believe and fight for it."

- Foto-foto Gaby Margareth Warouw

Follow Gaby Margareth Warouw

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